
New Hack Method For Unhackable Firmware


- Phone With Firmware not Hackable

(a) For the one that doesn't have the Drive Y and he wants to emulate it to install MapDrive_Y.SISX (Sign and instal MapDrive_Y.SISX + install JBakTaskMan.sis)(For N82, N95, N95-8GB Etc )

(a2)For the one that doesn't have the Drive H and he wants to emulate it to install MapDrive_H.SISX (Sign and instal MapDrive_H.SISX + install JBakTaskMan.sis) (For Others)

You will find now 2 new programs MapDrives e JBakTaskMan

b ) Create a Folder E:/Hack/sys/bin/ in ur phone

c) Copy installserver.exe inside E:/Hack/sys/bin/installserver.exe ( please copy installserver.exe related to ur own Phone)

d) Start Now JBak Taskman soft and Hit (#) go (Struments -> Start App.ni -> select MapDrives -> Programs Rule -> select "AutoStart")

e) Restart Phone

Now To this point with any explorer ( x-plore Or Activefile etc ) you should see the new Emulated Drive, (depend on the file you installed)
(H: in the case you have installed : MapDrive_H.SISX)
(Y: in the case you have installed : MapDrive_Y.SISX)

f) Now Install Modo. And use modo file man to copy Installserver.exe to - Y:/sys/bin/ Or H:/sys/bin/( U have to create SYS\BIN by moto in ur Y Or H drive) ( please copy installserver.exe related to ur own Phone)

(g) Now the installation boundries have been broken and now you can install any unsign app without signing them.. Enjoy (You can install ROMPatcher, secman or anyother method to increase the further possibilities.)

Everything you need, is attached here in New_Hack_Method.rar archive.

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If U Having Problem With Upper Method Try This Method :

1 - Install "Jbak TaskMan"
3 - Install Signed "MapDrives v1.00 DiskAdmin" then Install it in your phone.
4 - Copy the file "MapDrives.txt" to the root of the memory card(replace the existing one)
5 - Copy "Installserver" to the folder E:/Hack/sys/bin/ (create the folders)
6 - Run Jbak TaskMan --> press '#' button --> find the program "Map Drive" --> click Menu(left softkey) --> Program Rules --> Check "Autostart" checkbox
7 - Restart.(If all of a sudden something went wrong - Remove Memory Card, reboot, read the article again)
8 - Remove "MapDrives"
9 - Install "MapDrive_Y"
10 - Then run the program "MapDrives"
11 - Install "Modo"
12 - Take Installserver, which we downloaded, and put it in the Y:/sys/bin/ through "Modo"
13 - Now try instally any UNSIGNED file, if error occurs, then run the "Modo" again and copy the file to "C:\sys\bin"(it must be accessible now with write permissions)

If, however, that it did not succeed, remove all MapDrive folder Hack, reboot, rereads the article, and do it again.

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If U Having Problem With Upper Method Try This Method Just:

Here is working method

1. Sign 5 files in given attachment
a. MapDrives v1.00 DiskAdmin Unsigned
b. 2 MapDrive_Y
c. modo_v1.02(3)_Unsigned
d Modo 0.50
e JBakTaskMan
2. Install JBakTaskMan in Memory card
3. Install signed MapDrives v1.00 DiskAdmin Unsigned in Phone memory
4. You will see two new apps in installation folder
5. Now Copy MapDrives to ur memory card using PC suite
6. Also Copy folder Hack\sys\bin\installserver to ur memory card
7. Run JBakTaskMan press # button search Mapdrive press menu select Program rules and in task list enable autostart
8. Reboot ur device.
9. After rebooting remove Mapdrive app from installation folder
10. Now install 2 MapDrive_Y in phone memory
11. Again go to JBakTaskMan press # search Mapdrive and from menu select Launch
12. Now Install modo_v1.02(3)_Unsigned in to phone memory (It wont give you error required application access not granted)
13. Now Install Modo 0.50 (replace with modo_v1.02(3) and remember install it in phone memory only
14. Now you will see modo in leftup folder in your menu
15. Run Modo and copy installserver.exe from H:\sys\bin to C:\SYS\bin
16. You are done now you can install any unsigned APPS
17. To increase further capabalities install ROMPatcher and copy file Open4All.rmp to ur memory card in folder E:\Patches.
18. Run Rompacher select patch and select enabled
19. Yor are done

All credit goes to Deltafox for this method (FCA00000 has rocked again)

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